The Binkmeister Pacifier Clip
The binky. The bah-bah. The beebee. The paci. Whatever your little one's name for it, we all know how elusive our children's pacifiers can be. One second they are there, the next they're gone. Vanished into thin air, with no record or explanation, never to be found again.
If you’re a mom (or dad!) and you’re not utilizing pacifier clips for your baby, now’s the time! Seriously. Say goodbye to the days of the lost pacifier, and make your #MomLife easier thanks to the little Binkmeister, the ultimate pacifier clip for babies. No more bending down to pick up your baby’s pacifier every minute.. Or 5 seconds.
At ButiBag we wanted to put an end to the great pacifier vanishing so we created the best pacifier clip, Binkmeister. A pacifier clip that is as stylish as it is functional and safe.
New to Parenthood? What is a Pacifier Clip, Anyways?
How many times have you bent down to grab your baby's pacifier from the floor, only to have to clean it again and again? Binkmesiter pacifier clips for babies were designed to safely keep pacifiers and teethers within your baby's reach, as well as keeping cleanliness at the top of mom's list. With a pacifier clip, you don't have to bend down to constantly retrieve your baby's pacifier, and it always stays clean.
How Do You Use a Pacifier Clip?
It's simple. To use a pacifier clip, simply pick out any piece of baby's clothing (any fabric or material works), locate the clip, and attach the clip to your baby's shirt.
The Binkmeister Pacifier Clip from Buti Bag is a stylized fabric band with a metal clip that attaches to your baby's clothes. The other end of the band connects to your child's pacifier. Whenever your child drops their pacifier from their mouth, the Binkmeister is there to keep it hooked to them and away from the floor. Regaining the pacifier is simply and easy for your baby to do and you will not have to worry about losing countless pacifiers all day long.
Here are the key benefits of using a Binkmeister Pacifier Clip:
1- Keep your baby's pacifiers clean and germ free
2- No more blindly searching for lost or misplaced pacifier clips or bending down to retrieve pacifiers
3- Babies learn how to grab their pacifier themselves when in need
At Buti Bag, we have created a large variety of pacifier clips styles to choose from for your baby boy or baby girl!
Here are 3 of our top selling Binkmeister Pacifier Clips For Babies:
1. The Navy Binkmeister Clip
Bold navy blue ribbon Binkmeister pacifier clip for babies with accents of understated white stripes, provide a classic style for everyday use. Try coordinating with tan or red to create either a nautical or patriotic look.
2. Light Mini Pink Dot Binkmeister
The sweet gentle pink of our light pink mini dot Binkmeister pacifier clip, makes babies happy while you keep your sanity. There's no need to worry about dirty binkies with this essential baby accessory.
3. Chocolate Tan Zebra Binkmeister
In rich shades of tan and yummy chocolate brown, this Binkmeister pacifier clip features a playful zebra printed ribbon. Nothing says hip-baby like animal print pacifier clips!
Shop All Pacifier Clips for Babies here: https://butibag.com/collections/binkmeister-the-stylish-pacifier-clip
At ButiBag, we offer a wide variety of pacifier clips for baby boys and baby girls that are completely safe and make parents’ lives much easier.
How have pacifier clips helped you and your baby? Leave a comment below and share your story!