Wholesale Contacts
We are not actively looking for representation in the United States.
Please contact us directly if you have a question.
Orders may be placed via email to info@butibag.com or via fax to 888-742-6829. You will be sent an order form via email which can be used to place orders.
Delivery is usually within 1 week in the US, international orders may take longer.
Shipping and Handling:
We ship via USPS and tracking information will be sent as package/s are shipped if an email address is provided. Shipping charges are based on weight and distance and shipping supplies/handling time. Expedited shipping is available at additional expense.
We accept VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER and PayPal. Shipment is not made until funds have cleared. Minimum first orders are $250; subsequent orders are $150 or more. Mix and match of products and styles is acceptable. For wholesale inquiries, please send an email to: info@butibag.com